
The ISET Policy Institute recently participated in a discussion of the draft law on agritourism in the Parliament of Georgia.
On the 25th of January, the Agricultural Policy Research Center attended a hearing of the draft law on agritourism by the sectoral committee of the Parliament of Georgia, during which our research team presented the findings of the Regulatory Impact Assessment (RIA) of the draft law and discussed the associated socio-economic benefits and costs.
The draft law on agritourism was prepared by the Agrarian Committee of the Parliament of Georgia in collaboration with the Georgian Farmers Association, and financial support from UN Women. It intends to create a legal basis for the functioning of agritourism businesses in Georgia and contribute to the rural development of Georgia through the economic diversification of activities in rural areas.
The participants of the meeting discussed the need to adopt the draft law, the objectives of the law, and farmers' motivation to register their businesses. ISET is proud of the APRC team for once again showing that the institute is actively contributing to Georgia's future development at the highest levels.
As a result of the meeting, the committee decided to integrate agritourism-related issues in a new law on tourism.