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ISET Celebrates the Spring Holiday of Novruz Bayram!
სამშაბათი, 17 მარტი, 2015

On 20-21st of March of every year, Azerbaijan celebrates “Novruz Bayram”, the oldest family holiday in the country. Azerbaijanis from the ISET community did not miss the opportunity to celebrate this great holiday with their ISET family as well, one week prior to the main festive. In the atmosphere of Azerbaijani folk music, ISET students, faculty, and staff tasted delicious dishes from national Azerbaijani cuisine: the Sebzi Pilaf (plov), Pakhlava, and tea with herbs. The dishes and the whole celebration itself were prepared by Azerbaijanis from ISET with the great help of the students from International Black Sea University (IBSU).

As known, “Novruz Bayram” is the oldest holiday in Azerbaijan. It is literally translated as a “Holiday of Spring” and is celebrated in March of every year when nature is waking up and new life is initiated. Before the actual day of the holiday, people celebrate the last four pre-holiday Tuesdays. Each of these forthcoming weeks is devoted to one of the four elements and called accordingly in Azerbaijan. Each Tuesday people celebrate the day of one of the four elements – water, fire, earth, and wind.

According to the tradition, people say good-bye to the old year and welcome the upcoming New Year. They make national pastries such as Shekerbura, Pakhlava, Shorgoghal, and a great variety of national cuisine. As a tribute to fire-worshiping every Tuesday during these four weeks before the holiday kids jump over small bonfires and candles are lit.

Novruz is celebrated in many countries all around the world. ISET would like to wish Happy New Year and says Novruz Bayramınız Mübarek!

თეგები: #iset, #holidays, #alumni,
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