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ISET visits State Military Scientific-Technical Center “Delta”
პარასკევი, 17 თებერვალი, 2017

On February 17, interested ISET faculty, staff and students visited the Ministry of Defence's research and development centre, Delta, at the invitation of Ilia Zhorzholiani, an ISET alumnus working as the facility's Chief Auditor. The visitors were shown many of Delta's products (which were of particular interest to ISET personnel with prior military experience), including sniper systems, mortars, weapon optics and light armoured vehicles. While most of Delta's foreign export deals remain classified, Delta staff were able to reveal the recent signing of a recent agreement with Saudi Arabia worth 40 million USD for an unspecified number of its 'Didgori' armoured vehicles.

However, arguably Delta's greatest contribution to Georgia so far has had little to do with defence. Agriculture remains the largest component of Georgia's economy, especially the country's wine production in Kakheti. Despite the eastern region of the country producing the bulk of Georgia's famous wines, it is racked by stormy weather in the spring and summer months, and hail can be incredibly destructive to crops. Delta-produced chemical rockets are fired from launchers dotted around the region, which detonate within storm clouds. These dissipate chemicals that disrupt the formation of hail and instead induce rainfall. These rocket systems have proved to be so efficient that they have even attracted the attention of agricultural experts in the United States, who are currently reliant on aircraft to accomplish the same goal.

ISET is grateful to both Ilia Zhorzholiani and the Delta team for taking the time to showcase their facility and products.

თეგები: #alumni,
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