Energy Imports, Domestic Production, and Energy Security: Dynamics, Challenges, and the Importance of Developing Renewable Energy Sources in Georgia
22 November 2021

The International Energy Agency provides a definition of energy security across two dimensions. In a broad sense, energy security is defined as the “uninterrupted availability of energy sources at an affordable price,” while short-term energy security denotes that an energy system has the capability to promptly balance any disruption in the supply-demand equilibrium.

Assessment of the Models for the Implementation of the Equal Pay Review and Reporting (EPRR) Methodology in Georgia
30 September 2021

The Gender Impact Assessment (GIA) of the Models for the Implementation of the Equal Pay Review and Reporting (EPRR) Methodology in Georgia was conducted by the ISET Policy Institute (ISET-PI) as part of its collaboration with UN Women within the scope of the project “Regulatory Impact Assessment and Gender Impact Assessment for Women’s Economic Empowerment in Georgia”.

Training for journalists in the green economy
12 September 2021

ISET Policy Institute, with the financial support of the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, is developing training sessions that will provide journalists and advanced journalism students with an introduction to the key concepts and core ideas from energy economics and environmental economics.

Namakhvani HPP – Threat or Opportunity?
03 May 2021

The Namakhvani Hydropower Cascade is a system of two plants with a total capacity of 433 MW and a potential yearly generation of 1496 mln. kWh (around 13% of the total generation in 2020). The HPP has been designed for the river Rioni, to be built just 20 kilometers or so from Kutaisi, one of the largest cities in Georgia. The project is operated by the Norwegian Clean Energy Group, with 10% shares, and the Turkish industrial conglomerate, ENKA Insaat ve Sanayi AS, holding 90%.

How Can Georgia Deal with its Plastic Waste?
15 March 2021

In the modern world, plastic waste recycling has become one of the more crucial activities to combat environmental degradation. The plastic pollution portal from the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) highlights that every year around 300 million tons of plastic waste is produced globally. Historically, 9% of the plastic ever produced has been recycled and 12% incinerated, with the remaining 79% going to landfills. Plastic is now truly found worldwide, including within our very food and water, and it is already negatively impacting both wildlife and human wellbeing.
