
Gender Impact Assessments (GIAs) for selected government programs and policies, specifically focuses on a draft legislative amendment to Georgia's Public Registry law and a package of legislative amendments regarding the status of single parents. In collaboration with ISET Policy Institute, UN Women is providing technical assistance to the National Agency of Public Registry and the Gender Equality Council of the Parliament of Georgia.
The assessments aim to improve the design of legislative amendments, prevent negative consequences for gender equality, and offer targeted recommendations for equitable legal frameworks.
Gender Impact Assessment (GIA) offers numerous benefits, including a deeper understanding of gender-specific needs, insight into the true impacts of regulations on target groups, early identification of unintended consequences, enhanced transparency in policymaking, increased citizen participation, and a demand for improved gender-disaggregated data. These outcomes contribute to promoting gender equality awareness among policymakers and citizens, ultimately fostering more informed and inclusive decision-making processes at all societal levels.