
If you are an undergraduate student of an accredited higher education institution or a student of a vocational education institution in Georgia and ongoing economic reforms in the country interest you, this call is for you!
"ReforMeter" offers you to choose one reform out of the four proposed economic reforms (E-commerce reform, Insolvency reform, Water Resources Management reform, Capital Market Development reform) and write an analytical blog around it. Competition winners will have an opportunity to choose prizes from different award categories (specified below).
You need to do the following to participate in this competition:
Stages of Competition
I stage - Registration: Applications for the project are being accepted by the "ReforMeter" team by December 25, 2022
II stage - Submission: Students participating in the project submit an analytical blog around selected economic reform no later than February 15, 2023
Criteria for assessing blogs:
Award categories:
There will be two winners announced in this competition.
The project “ReforMeter” is implemented by ISET Policy Institute and is supported by USAID Economic Governance Program. Our goal is to generate reform progress analysis for policy-making and public dialogue, thereby promote informed debate about reform priorities and policy decisions, improve accountability and help build trust between the government, the private sector, and the general public. The first phase of ReforMeter was implemented during 2016-2019. The new phase of the project will be implemented during 2021-2024.
More information about “ReforMeter” can be found HERE.