
On 23 May ISET Policy Institute, in partnership with Policy and Management Consulting Group (PMCG), presented a summary of the findings of the Value Chain Analytics (VCA) project to the public. The event brought together public and private sector stakeholders along with representatives of international organizations.
The Value Chain Analytics (VCA) project, supported by USAID Georgia Economic Security Program (GESP), envisaged analyzing economic trends, challenges, and development opportunities in selected value chains of six selected sectors of the Georgian economy: Tourism, Creative Industries, Light Manufacturing, Waste Management, Shared Intellectual Services, and Cross-cutting Sectors. Under the project, the research team produced and published six quarterly analytical reports about the selected value chains of the Georgian economy. The published reports combined mixed research methods – together with analyzing diverse economic indicators in the selected value chains, the research team utilized qualitative methods to observe challenges and opportunities in the selected VCs by interviewing private sector representatives, relevant sectoral associations, and clusters.