
ISET is pleased to announce that a paper by Professor Noberto Pignatti entitled “Encouraging Women's Labour Force Participation in Transition Countries”, has been published as part of the IZA World of Labour series, an international platform that produces evidence-based advice for policymaking.
In his work, Professor Pignatti discusses policy options to encourage the female labour force to participate in transition countries. Increasing the participation of the women's labour force is important to sustainable economic development, especially in economies with highly educated women and an ageing population. Women’s participation varies across transition countries, driven by such economic and social factors as traditional views of gender roles and limited government support for caregivers. However, in every country, there is clear
scope for policies aimed at increasing women’s participation. In particular, in countries where women’s educational attainment is already high, policies to support a better work−life balance and female entrepreneurship appear to be particularly promising.
The research paper can be found here.