შეავსე ფორმა
ISET Alumnus Promoted to Head of TBC Bank Unit
27 დეკემბერი 2016

Mikheil Nadareishvili graduated from Oxford University with MSc in Applied Statistics before attending ISET and graduated as part of the Class of 2014. He joined TBC bank shortly afterward, motivated by his deep interest in using statistical and machine learning tools to gain insights from vast amounts of data and use them to inform policies and decisions. His initial role was to develop statistical models to segment customers, understand their needs, and predict their behavior.

Leaders in Development
21 ნოემბერი 2016

ISET Policy Institute together with Japan Tobacco International (JTI) Georgia offers free of charge training program "Leaders in Development". The program is designed for anybody who is involved in or is affected by, public policy decisions: government analysts and decision-makers, parliament staffers, private sector executives, civil society activists, as well as development professionals working in international organizations.

წარსულზე გავლით მომავლისკენ
12 ნოემბერი 2016

საბჭოთა კავშირში ფერმერების მუშაობას ცენტრალური მთავრობა აკონტროლებდა. ყველამ იცოდა, რა უნდა ეკეთებინა. მნიშვნელოვანი ეკონომიკური გადაწყვეტილებები ბაზარზე არ იყო მინდობილი, არც კერძო ინტერესის მქონე ადამიანებს შეეძლოთ ამგვარი გადაწყვეტილებების მიღება. ნაცვლად ამისა, გადაწყვეტილებას თუ რა, როდის და როგორ უნდა წარმოებულიყო იღებდა მთავრობა, რომელიც ფლობდა ან აკონტროლებდა ეკონომიკის რესურსების უმეტეს ნაწილს.

Leaders in Development - ISET and JTI Launch a New Training Course
27 მაისი 2016

ISET Policy Institute in cooperation with Japan Tabacco International (JTI) Georgia launched a free-of-charge training program “Leaders in Development” for policymakers, analysts, mid-level, and executives. The opening session held on May 24th welcomed the first cohort of 31 senior professionals and decision-makers coming from more than 15 public, private and non-profit organizations.

ISET-PI Team Takes Part in the Asian Development Bank’s workshop “Skills, Education and SME Development in Armenia and Georgia”
01 აპრილი 2016

On March 30-31 ISET-PI team took part in an interim research workshop conducted within the framework of a multi-country study “Good Jobs for Inclusive Growth in Central and West Asia” organized and financed by the Asian Development Bank. The goal of the study is to inform policy decisions aimed at promoting inclusive growth and reducing poverty and inequality in the countries of Central and West Asia (Armenia, Georgia, Azerbaijan, as well as Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan).

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