შეავსე ფორმა
Two ISET Policy Institute Researchers Admitted to Prestigious Ph.D. Programs in the US
06 აპრილი 2016

ISET is pleased to announce the excellent achievements of our alumni, Nino Doghonadze (class 2012) and Saba Devdariani (class 2014). Having worked the last few years as researchers at the ISET Policy Institute, Nino and Saba decided to continue their education abroad.

ISET and the Norwegian School of Economics to Host an Anti-Corruption Workshop
05 აპრილი 2016

We are excited to announce that this week ISET will be hosting a large delegation representing the Norwegian School of Economics in Bergen. A four-day program is planned to start on April 6, which includes anti-corruption seminars, public discussions, and site visits to relevant public institutions and businesses.

XXI საუკუნე კახეთში იწყება სოფლიდან
05 აპრილი 2016

გქონიათ ოდესმე ჯანსაღი პროდუქტების ყიდვის პრობლემა ან დაგზარებიათ ბაზრებში საყიდლებზე სიარული? განა საოცარი არ იქნებოდა, ნატურალური და ახალი საკვების ონლაინ შეკვეთა და სახლში მიღება? soplidan.ge-ს ამბავი ნამდვილად იძლევა ოპტიმიზმის საფუძველს.

ISET Graduate to Head a Division at Ministry of Regional Development and Infrastructure
04 აპრილი 2016

Matsatso Tepnadze, ISET class 2012, has been recently appointed head of the division of planning for infrastructure projects at the Ministry of Regional Development and Infrastructure of Georgia (MRDI). This division is in charge of elaborating project selection and planning methods, based on a systemic evaluation of strategic public infrastructure projects.

ISET Graduate Accepted to Duke University’s Economics PhD program
04 აპრილი 2016

We are proud to announce that Aram Grigorian (ISET class 2015) was accepted with full university funding to the prestigious Economics Ph.D. program at Duke University. Aram received generous admission offers from other top schools, such as Johns Hopkins and Ohio State, which he had to decline. He also had to decline (at least for the time being) the possibility of a professional career as a rock guitarist.

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