შეავსე ფორმა
Norwegian School of Economics in Borjomi
11 აპრილი 2016

Borjomi was the final stop and the highlight on a four-day anticorruption program ISET organized for students and faculty of its partner university, the Norwegian School of Economics (NHH) in Bergen. The tour was hosted by Borjomi LTD, producer of Georgia’s most famous mineral water – the “Coca Cola of the Soviet Union”, in the words of Jacques Fleury, the company’s former CEO.

რა გავლენას ახდენს რელიგია საქართველოს ეკონომიკაზე?
10 აპრილი 2016

WIN/Gallup-ის მიერ 2015 წელს ჩატარებული კვლევის თანახმად, ქართველთა 93% თავს რელიგიურად მიიჩნევს. მსოფლიოში მხოლოდ ერთ ქვეყანას, ტაილანდს, აქვს უფრო მაღალი მაჩვენებელი, სადაც ეს რიცხვი 94%-ს აღწევს. საქართველოს მსგავსი მაჩვენებელი გვხვდება მხოლოდ სომხეთში, ბანგლადეშსა და მაროკოში. მსოფლიოს სხვა ქვეყნები შედარებით ნაკლებად არიან მოცულნი რელიგიით.

Reflections on Doing Business in Georgia: a Panel Discussion
08 აპრილი 2016

Held on April 8, this discussion was a part of the four-day anti-corruption program ISET organized for a large group of students and faculty from ISET’s partner university, the Norwegian School of Economics (NHH) in Bergen. The expert panel included Jacques Fleury, former CEO of Borjomi LLC and JSC Château Mukhrani; Mariam Dolidze, Senior Economist at World Bank Georgia; Archil Bakuradze, Chairman of Supervisory Board at JSC Crystal Georgia; Bruno Balvanera, Resident Representative of EBRD Georgia; Giorgi Oniani, Deputy Executive Director of Transparency International Georgia; and ISET President Eric Livny, who also moderated the discussion.

ISET Graduate to Head a Division at Ministry of Regional Development and Infrastructure
04 აპრილი 2016

Matsatso Tepnadze, ISET class 2012, has been recently appointed head of the division of planning for infrastructure projects at the Ministry of Regional Development and Infrastructure of Georgia (MRDI). This division is in charge of elaborating project selection and planning methods, based on a systemic evaluation of strategic public infrastructure projects.

ISET-PI Team Takes Part in the Asian Development Bank’s workshop “Skills, Education and SME Development in Armenia and Georgia”
01 აპრილი 2016

On March 30-31 ISET-PI team took part in an interim research workshop conducted within the framework of a multi-country study “Good Jobs for Inclusive Growth in Central and West Asia” organized and financed by the Asian Development Bank. The goal of the study is to inform policy decisions aimed at promoting inclusive growth and reducing poverty and inequality in the countries of Central and West Asia (Armenia, Georgia, Azerbaijan, as well as Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan).

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