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ISET ეკონომისტი

ეკონომიკური ბლოგების სერია
პარასკევი, 06 აპრილი, 2012

We should rename Friday to Econlinksday – at least on the ISET blog. So here are the links:

 1. Nick Rowe, aka Worthwhile Canadian Initiative continues offering some unorthodox views. This time it's inflation targeting vs. gold standard.

2. The Economist’s Free Exchange blog discusses whether the ECB’s response to the crisis has been adequate.

3. The American Interest describes an (almost) paradise that is export-oriented America.

4. GOOD walks us through the recent economic developments in the US (use left-right arrows to navigate). And when I say recent, I mean starting 5 years ago J.

5. Noah Smith recalls Pascal’s wager (a great example of rational thinking, btw!) in relation to the monetary policy.

6. And he also has some provocative thoughts about whether China should innovate, rather than can innovate.

7. A picture is worth a thousand words and this one is a perfect example. Pity, it doesn’t extend to South Caucasus – we’d find out, whether this one is real.

8. New York Times reports on the pizza war in the middle of Manhattan. No, it’s nothing to do with throwing pizza at each other.

9. Finally, an interesting blog “Watts Up With That” offers a wonderful essay by Ross McKittrick – wonderful at least for those, who like me, don’t believe in “Earth Hours” and, erm, things like that.

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