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ISET ეკონომისტი

ეკონომიკური ბლოგების სერია
პარასკევი, 11 მაისი, 2012

Another Friday – another post with interesting links on economics.

1. Let’s keep the tradition and start with a link from Michael Fuenfzig – property rights and internal migration in Russia.

2. Economics Blog tells us how austerity could be self-defeating.

3. For any Star War fans out there – was Death Star really worth all the fuss?

4. From The Atlantic – how being kidnapped by pirates is just something from game theory.

5. Noah Smith has an interesting post on the essence of the financial crisis.

6. Again from Noah – structuralists vs. cyclicalists.

7. Nick Rowe from Worthwhile Canadian Initiative has a couple of interesting posts. First – about forward and backward-looking stuff. And second – about identity economics.

8. The Economist’s Free Exchange blog talks about a possible Greek exit from Eurozone.

9. Paul Krugman has a quite pessimistic piece on economics and its usefulness.

10. And finally – an interesting blog (the whole blog!) dedicated to why you shouldn’t get a Ph.D. Not willing to discourage ISET students from doing one, but just to list all the cons (and we all know about pros, don’t we?)

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The views and analysis in this article belong solely to the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the international School of Economics at TSU (ISET) or ISET Policty Institute.
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