Did Azerbaijan Enter the Post-Oil Era?
20 February 2016

Sometimes, transformation requires a crisis. Economists in particular are very well aware of this maxim. We are reminded of it every time a country undergoes an economic shock. A country in those times is a bit like a patient who gets the last warning from a doctor to drop the unhealthy habits or face irreversible consequences.

Decent Income in Old Age: Georgian Dream or Reality?
06 February 2016

If you visit any post-Soviet country after spending some time in the West, one thing strikes you immediately: the average age of visible poverty. Not only are you more likely to see old people begging on the streets, but old people are also dressed more poorly, and tend to buy the cheapest things on the market.

Priority Investment Sectors
03 February 2016

The project supports the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development of Georgia to identify priority sectors/subsectors of the economy to target foreign investment. The sectors prioritized have potential for an increase in productivity and export to the EU market and therefore are potentially attractive to foreign investors.

Men Are Rational, Women Are Adaptive?
18 January 2016

For over three and a half years, the ISET Policy Institute has been tracking the trends in the Georgian consumer sentiments. Every month a team of callers dial randomly generated telephone numbers to interview around 330 people from all over Georgia. The interviewer first asks the basic questions about the respondent’s age, level of education, place of residence, and then follows up with questions about the current financial situation of the household and the person’s expectations about the future economic situation in the country.

Good jobs for inclusive growth
16 November 2015

The study aims at offering recommendations to improve Asian Development Bank and other development partners; assistance to developing countries in creating conditions to enable inclusive growth through their projects and operations. For that ISET Policy Institute will conduct in-depth analysis on income distribution, labor market, and other aspects of inclusive growth.
