South Caucasus Trade Study
12 August 2019

In September 2015, United Nations member states adopted the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (the “Agenda”) and seventeen Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The Agenda and the SDGs propose that countries achieve sustainable development in economic, social and environmental dimensions simultaneously.

An Egg Today? Or a Hen Tomorrow? Credit Regulations in Georgia
22 April 2019

Around two years ago, ISET-PI published a blog article on the problem of over-indebtedness in Georgia. The article stressed the idea that due to notably increased access to finances, an aggressive marketing campaign provided by financial institutions, and poor socio-economic conditions throughout the country, Georgians (particularly the poorest) are mired in a swamp of debt, from which they are unable to escape.

Georgia - Country Profile
14 February 2019

After independence from the Soviet Union, Georgia started experiencing a significant rise in the number of boys born compared with the number of girls, the sex ratio at birth. As of 2004 Georgia had one of the highest sex ratio at birth rates in the world, but by 2016 the ratio was at the biologically normal level. The country’s unique position provides valuable knowledge and experience.

Technical assistance for conducting economic analysis for ıntroducing a new policy for maternity, paternity and parental leave in Georgia
31 December 2018

The study analyzes pecuniary economic costs and benefits associated with new policies on maternity, paternity, and parental leave in Georgia, using a state-of-the-art methodology utilized in EU member countries.

Georgia’s 2018 Presidential Election by Numbers
27 November 2018

On 28 November, the Georgian Central Election Commission (CEC) will hold the second round of the very last direct presidential election in Georgia before the constitutional pivot to indirect elections. This is the last stage of a political reform aiming at replacing the presidential political arrangement with the parliamentary system. The president’s powers in the new system will be extremely limited and largely symbolic.
