Develop the advocacy capacity of CSOs and PSAs
07 March 2022

ISET Policy Institute has launched a new project – “Develop the advocacy capacity of CSOs and PSAs”. This project is being implemented with the support of the USAID Economic Governance Program.

Implementation of diversified financial mechanisms in VET
15 December 2021

ISET Policy Institute team supports the Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia in implementing diversified financial mechanisms in Vocational Education and Training (VET). The project is implemented with the support of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH.

Regulatory impact assessment of the draft law on food loss and waste
11 November 2021

Food Loss and Waste (FLW) is one of the critical issues related to waste management in Georgia. A large amount of food still suitable for human consumption is wasted by Food Business Operators (FBOs) and large food retailers in particular due to the packaging or quality issues, expiration date, excess supply and consumption habits, which results in significant economic losses for these FBOs.

Developing a Water Policy Outlook for Georgia
24 September 2021

The Water Policy Outlook study aimed to compare and contrast existing policy frameworks against the long-term strategic plan and vision for the water sector by respective governments. The outlooks aimed to map the future policy challenges and policy reform opportunities required to achieve these long-term strategic objectives.

Are Georgia’s Hazelnut Exports Back on Track?
28 June 2021

Hazelnuts are one of Georgia’s top ten export commodities. During 2010-2020, hazelnuts accounted for around 4.4% of Georgia’s total exports (GeoStat, 2021). In 2013, the quantity of exported hazelnuts hit its maximum level at 30 ths tons, then decreased to 19 ths tons in the following years with an increase in the value indicating higher prices per exported kg of Georgian hazelnuts. In 2016, the quantity of exported hazelnuts amounted to 27 ths tons, which was the second highest indicator in the observed years (2010-2020) (Figure 1).
