ISET Policy Institute contributes to the World Bank’s agriculture, land, and water event
31 May 2022

On 31 May, ISET Policy Institute participated in a dissemination event on the World Bank study – “Agriculture, Land and Water Policies to Scale Up Sustainable Agri-Food Systems”.

The impact of COVID-19 on tobacco consumption in Georgia
27 May 2022

Excessive tobacco consumption is an important public health policy issue. According to estimates by the World Health Organization (WHO), 32% of the adult population in Georgia smoked tobacco in 2019 (WHO, 2021). The prevalence of smoking in men was 56.9 percent – the fourth in the world and first in Europe.

April 2022 | Electricity Market Review
27 May 2022

In April 2022, Georgian power plants generated 1,125 mln. kWh of electricity (Figure 1). This represents a 36% increase in total generation, compared to the previous year (in April 2021, the total generation was 825 mln. kWh).

ISET Policy Institute presents value chain analytics project findings to the public
23 May 2022

On 23 May ISET Policy Institute, in partnership with Policy and Management Consulting Group (PMCG), presented a summary of the findings of the Value Chain Analytics (VCA) project to the public. The event brought together public and private sector stakeholders along with representatives of international organizations.

ISET Policy Institute and Batumi-based organizations discuss effective policymaking
19 May 2022

On 19 May, ISET Policy Institute, with support and participation from the Swedish Embassy, met representatives from local non-governmental and international organizations, and from the Batumi public and private sector, in order to introduce its activities and key products.
