ICC Georgia Hosted ISET Policy Institute Discussion on Remote Work in times of COVID
09 December 2021

On 9 December 2021, ISET Policy Institute conducted an online discussion, Remote work in times of COVID: How Georgia adjusted to challenges, in partnership with the International Chamber of Commerce of Georgia (ICC).

October 2021 | Electricity Market Review
26 November 2021

In October 2021, Georgian power plants generated 1192 mln. kWh of electricity. This represents a 40% increase in total generation, compared to the previous year (in October 2020, the total generation was 852 mln. kWh). The increase in generation on a yearly basis comes from the increase of 104% and 43% in hydropower, and wind power generation, respectively.

ISET Policy Institute Hosts Meeting on Information Quality Standards in Agriculture
25 November 2021

On 25 November 2021, ISET Policy Institute presented the results of its Information quality standards for the participants and beneficiaries of the Agricultural Knowledge and Information System (AKIS) project. The project was supported by UNDP and implemented in collaboration with the Environmental Information and Education Center (EIEC) of the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture of Georgia (MEPA).

Energy Imports, Domestic Production, and Energy Security: Dynamics, Challenges, and the Importance of Developing Renewable Energy Sources in Georgia
22 November 2021

The International Energy Agency provides a definition of energy security across two dimensions. In a broad sense, energy security is defined as the “uninterrupted availability of energy sources at an affordable price,” while short-term energy security denotes that an energy system has the capability to promptly balance any disruption in the supply-demand equilibrium.

Environmental Protection and Rural Development in Georgia in 2030. How Does the Plan Look?
15 November 2021

Back in the summer of 2021, the Government of Georgia (GoG) worked on a 10-year strategic framework for different sectors of the economy including agriculture. In July 2021, Georgia’s Prime Minister Irakli Garibashvili announced the targets for the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture (MEPA) under the government’s 10-year-strategic framework.
