ISET and Key Stakeholders Discuss Land Policy Note
02 December 2021

On 2 December 2021, ISET Policy Institute attended a technical meeting among members of the World Bank (WB) visiting mission, field experts, and representatives from the government, including the National Agency of Public Registry (NAPR), the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture, and the National Agency for Sustainable Land Management and Land Use Monitoring.

Environmental Protection and Rural Development in Georgia in 2030. How Does the Plan Look?
15 November 2021

Back in the summer of 2021, the Government of Georgia (GoG) worked on a 10-year strategic framework for different sectors of the economy including agriculture. In July 2021, Georgia’s Prime Minister Irakli Garibashvili announced the targets for the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture (MEPA) under the government’s 10-year-strategic framework.

Introducing ReforMeter – Your Guide to Georgian Reforms
01 November 2021

At the event, ISET Policy Institute will introduce ReforMeter, a Georgian Reform Progress Tracking System, a platform to inform beneficiaries and stakeholders on how new reform efforts by the Georgian government have progressed against their intended objectives.

Developing a Water Policy Outlook for Georgia
24 September 2021

The Water Policy Outlook study aimed to compare and contrast existing policy frameworks against the long-term strategic plan and vision for the water sector by respective governments. The outlooks aimed to map the future policy challenges and policy reform opportunities required to achieve these long-term strategic objectives.

ISET presents its Regulatory Impact Assessment Manual for Practitioners to the Public
08 April 2021

ISET’s Policy Institute is proud to announce the unveiling of its Regulatory Impact Assessment (RIA) Manual. The ISET Director, Tamar Sulukhia, introduced a presentation of the work, where she thanked governmental and donor initiatives alongside USAID for all the assistance provided during the process.
