
The study examines challenges to Georgia’s economic and democratic development that accompany growing presence of Russian business ownership in the country; and seeks to heighten awareness among key stakeholders (i.e. government, civil society organizations, development partners) and the Georgian public regarding the associated risks and threats.
Presence of Russian ownership in the Georgian economy increases Georgia’s economic dependency on Russia and thus strengthens malign Kremlin influence in the country. This poses significant threats to Georgia’s democratic standing and its overall economic resilience. Existing research on Georgia’s vulnerability stemming from Russian ownership in the Georgian economy is scarce, which negatively affects the national capacity to effectively counter malign Kremlin influence in the country.
Through research and evidence-based analysis of how Russian capital can be exploited by the Kremlin in Georgia, the research will raise the awareness of the general public on associated risks and threats and provide respective policy recommendations to key stakeholders (e.g., government officials, nongovernment groups including civil society organizations, and development partners) that have the capacity to influence public attitudes or advocate for better policies directed at minimizing malign Kremlin influence in Georgia. Specific topics of concern includes Russian business ownership in Georgia.