Project "ReforMeter" announces student blogs competition
13 December 2022

If you are an undergraduate student of an accredited higher education institution or a student of a vocational education institution in Georgia and ongoing economic reforms in the country interest you, this call is for you!

Water pollution in the Mtkvari River
10 October 2022

Water quality has become a global concern in the twenty-first century. Data from the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goal 6 suggests that only 56% of the world’s domestic wastewater is treated. However, the majority of countries (especially developing nations) do not gather water quality data on a regular basis.

Lead contamination in Georgia – myth or fatal reality?
12 September 2022

Lead contamination has been estimated to account for around 900,000 deaths per year worldwide (IHME, 2019). Typically developing countries suffer the most, where the use of lead in paint and other household products is often not fully regulated or controlled.

Yes, we can reduce abortion levels without limiting women’s rights
30 June 2022

On January 22, 1973, the Supreme Court ruled in Roe v. Wade that the right to an abortion was constitutionally protected under the 14th Amendment to the United States Constitution.

Forest fires and climate change in Georgia – potential ways forward
20 June 2022

The Russian invasion of Ukraine, as well as the global pandemic, have diverted the world’s attention and in general, put climate change and the green economy onto the back burner of the political agenda.
