June 2015 Macro Review | GDP growth data shows a grim start to the second quarter
17 June 2015

After relatively high GDP growth in February and March, the Georgian economy slowed down considerably in April. According to Geostat’s rapid estimates, GDP grew by only 0.9% annually in the reporting month. Consequently, in the first four months of 2015, the Georgian economy expanded by 2.6%.

Support the Families of Mariam and Ivlita
16 June 2015

It is with deep regret and sadness that ISET confirms that two of our beloved students, Mariam Kutelia and Ivlita Jibuti, became the victims of catastrophic flooding in Tbilisi on June 13th. The whole international community mourns for Georgia, but this news is particularly painful for ISET. It is a terrible tragedy that affected all of us. Life at ISET will never be the same.

Stirring Trouble in the Georgian Banking Sector
12 June 2015

Who should be supervising the activities of commercial banks in Georgia? Currently, this responsibility lies with the country’s National Bank. However, the Georgian parliament will soon be deciding on new legislation, which, if passed, could take away the supervisory role from NBG and transfer it to an independent agency reporting directly to the prime minister.

Zurab Abramishvili: The Principal Principle
09 June 2015

On Monday, 8th of June, Zurab Abramishvili from the CERGE-EI (Center for Economic Research and Graduate Education - Economics Institute) presented his research proposal titled “The Principal Principle: How an Immediate and Random Replacement of School Principals Illuminates Their Value Added; A Case of Education Policy in Georgia”. Mr. Abramishvili is an ISET graduate in 2010, currently, he is doing postdoctoral work at ISET.

Rezo Vashakidze Visits ISET
08 June 2015

On Friday, June 5th, ISET hosted Mr. Rezo Vashakidze, the founder of Chirina Ltd, by far the largest Georgian producer of poultry products (sold under the BiuBiu brand), a Greenfield investment worth more than 80 mln USD. The main topic of Mr. Vashakidze’s presentation was entrepreneurship in Georgia (as well as Azerbaijan and Armenia).
