October 2017 | Electricity Market Review
31 October 2017

In October 2017, Georgian power plants generated 828 mln. KWh of electricity. This corresponds to an 8.7% decrease in total generation in comparison with the previous year (in 2016, total generation in September was 907 mln. kWh). The decline in generation on a yearly basis comes from a decline in thermal power generation and in hydro power generation.

September 2017 | Electricity Market Review
29 September 2017

In September 2017, Georgian power plants generated 820 mln. kWh of electricity. This corresponds to a 3% increase in total generation in comparison with the previous year (in 2016, total generation in September was 798 mln. kWh). On a monthly basis generation decreased by21% with respect to August 2017 (in August 2017, total generation was 1,035 mln. kWh).

August 2017 | Electricity Market Review
31 August 2017

In August 2017, Georgian power plants generated 1,035 mln. kWh of electricity. This corresponds to an 8% increase in total generation in comparison with the previous year (in 2016, total generation in August was 957 mln. kWh). Generation decreased by 17% with respect to July 2017 (in July 2017 total generation was 1,247 mln. kWh).

July 2017 | Electricity Market Review
31 July 2017

In July 2017, Georgian power plants generated 1,247 mln. kWh of electricity. This corresponds to an 18% increase in total generation compared to July 2016, when total generation of electricity was 1,061 mln. kWh. Generation also increased by 10% compared to June 2017 (1,138 mln. kWh).

ISET Community Hears about Pillars of Success to Implement Successful HPP Project
20 May 2016

Looking down from the famous cross-path of the Georgian Military Highway, you will notice a beautiful little lake that was not there six years ago. The lake is a small reservoir that supplies power to the 8 MW Aragvi HPP. On May 19, the ISET community and guests from professional circles in the energy sector heard the story behind this hydropower plant in a seminar entitled “Small Hydropower – what’s special about it and how to implement it?” delivered by Hanness Posch, a civil engineer and entrepreneur working on hydropower projects in Georgia.
