
In July 2017, Georgian power plants generated 1,247 mln. kWh of electricity. This corresponds to an 18% increase in total generation compared to July 2016, when total generation of electricity was 1,061 mln. kWh. Generation also increased by 10% compared to June 2017 (1,138 mln. kWh).
Following the traditional seasonal pattern, almost all generation (1,242 mln. kWh, or 99.6% of total generation) came from renewable sources of electricity, while thermal power generation accounted for only 5 mln. kWh (0.4% of total generation). Consumption of electricity on the local market was 986 mln. kWh, smaller than the amount generated, leaving a resource for export to neighboring electricity markets (Russia, Turkey and Azerbaijan). Looking at the seasonal trend, generation from TPP is usually low in summer, but increases in fall and winter, only to decline again in spring. Renewables instead are characterized by a different pattern; electricity generation increases from March to July, and begin declining from August to February.
Among different sources of electricity, hydropower was dominant, as is to be expected under the local market structure. Specifically, in July 2017, hydropower (HPP) generation amounted 1,234 mln. kWh, wind power (WPP), 7 mln. kWh, and thermal power (TPP), 5 mln. kWh (Figure 2). From hydropower generation, large (regulatory) HPPs produced 71% (881 mln. kWh) of electricity; correspondingly, seasonal and small HPPs produced 24% (297 mln. kWh) and 4% (57 mln. kWh), respectively (Figure 3). Compared to last year, regulatory HPP’s share has increased total hydropower generation by 7%. That is primarily due to the increase of production from large HPPs, and the decrease in generation of seasonal and small HPPs, compared to July 2016.