Quarter 4 2021, Macro Review | The 2021 Georgian economy – the year in review
11 April 2022

For the Georgian economy, 2021 was a year of gradual recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic. According to Geostat rapid estimates, the real GDP expanded by 10.7%, coming within 0.1 percentage points of the ISET-PI forecast from November 2021 and surpassing the NBG and IMF mid-year projections, which ranged between 8% - 8.5% y/y.

War in Ukraine: challenges, risks, and responses of Georgian economy
07 April 2022

ISET Policy Institute will be hosting an event War in Ukraine: Challenges, Risks, and Responses of Georgian Economy, to be held on April 13 from 10:00-12:30, that will bring together the policy community, experts, and private sector leaders, and development partners.

Should Georgia worry about the dependence on Russian energy?
16 March 2022

During such challenging times, as the Russia-Ukraine conflict escalates daily and threatens the lives of thousands, as well as the wellbeing of everyone around the world, having experienced the horror of war, we Georgians especially feel the pain of the Ukrainians.

Top 5 economic consequences of Russia’s war on Ukraine: a view from Georgia
28 February 2022

As I am writing these lines, Russian tanks are moving deeper into the territory of my country, Ukraine, and emotions are threatening to overwhelm me. But emotions cannot shake what we, as economics scholars, value the most: devotion to truth and careful, impartial use of facts and logic to arrive at conclusions.

February 2022 | Higher food and fuel prices on the global market drive inflation and dampen growth forecasts for Georgia
14 February 2022

Geostat has published its rapid estimate of real GDP growth for the fourth quarter of 2021, and their estimated growth stands at 9.5%, which is 1.4 percentage points below the ISET-PI’s most recent forecast. The annual real GDP growth in 2021 amounted to 10.6%, which is 0.2 percentage points lower than our recent prediction.
