
The ISET-PI team provided training in macroeconomic forecasting and tools for independent policy research to the staff of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade (MoEDT) of Tajikistan.
On November 28- 30, the ISET Policy Institute hosted the delegation from the Department of Macroeconomic Analysis and Market Reforms, Ministry of Economic Development and Trade (MoEDT) of Tajikistan.
The purpose of the visit was to take part in a multi-day workshop in macroeconomic forecasting and economic monitoring delivered by ISET Policy Institute staff and invited speakers, as well as a study tour of several key economic institutions: the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development of Georgia; the National Bank of Georgia; the Public Services Hall; it also included meetings with representatives of the Competition Agency of Georgia and State Procurement Agency of Georgia among others.
The aim of the workshop/study tour was to strengthen the MoEDT staff’s capacity in evidence-based economic policy-making; learning from Georgian counterparts about the current tools and practices of macroeconomic policy analysis, forecasting, and monitoring in Georgian state ministries, agencies, independent research organizations; and learning about the economic reform experience of Georgia and current practices in economic policy.