
Implemented as part of a larger international study, this Georgia country study assessed the consequences of increased migration as a result of possible changes in the EU migration policies with regard to the Eastern Partnership countries. Partnering with the Center for Social and Economic Research (CASE), the ISET Policy Institute (ISET-PI) has embarked upon a country study of Georgia for a project titled The Costs and Benefits of Labour Mobility between the EU and the Eastern Partnership Partner Countries.
Georgia's country study provided an informed view of the potential for increased migration flows and their consequences as a result of possible changes in the EU migration policies with regard to the Eastern Partnership countries. It includes an analysis of the existing situation with respect to variables such as migratory flows, the socio-demographic characteristics of migrants by destination, and data on remittances and the duration of migratory spells. The main conclusion of the study was that an easing of EU regulations would result in a win-win situation for Georgia given the largely circular nature of Georgian labor migration since 2003-4 economic reforms, particularly as far as high-skill workers are concerned.