

Technical Assistance to the Ministry of Labor and Health on Improving the Matching of Registered Unemployed to Training Programs
Status: Complated
Project Milestones: Start date: 20.02.2014 End Date: 27.06.2014

The consultancy aimed to identify training programs that address actual labor market demand and devise an algorithm for matching the unemployed with these programs taking account of their skills, work experience, and motivation. As part of this project, ISET-PI aimed to identify vocational training programs that address actual labor market demand, and devise an algorithm to assign registered unemployed to these programs (taking account of their skills, work experience, and motivation).

The proposed matching procedure assigns unemployed people to the most suitable (certified) training programs that are delivered in selected locations. The matching procedure we designed takes into account data limitations concerning the unemployed, the training programs, and the local/national labor market.

