
ReforMeter and the USAID Economic Governance Program hosted yet another public-private dialogue –this time dedicated to assessing reform progress in small and medium enterprise development.
The action plans within the strategy for the development of SMEs are united under seven priority directions, including enhancing the legal, institutional, and operational frameworks for small and medium enterprises; fostering the growth of skills and entrepreneurial culture; improving access to finance; promoting export opportunities and market access; driving digitization and innovation; supporting women’s entrepreneurship; and advancing the development of a green economy. The ultimate purpose of the strategy is to promote further development in small and medium entrepreneurship and to restore the positive trends that had emerged before the pandemic.
Progress of the reform was discussed by representatives of the public agencies implementing the reform, namely: Tsisnami Sabadze, Head of the Economic Policy Department at the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development of Georgia, who provided an overview of the SME Development Strategy and discussed the implemented activities in 2021-2022; and Tatuli Dushuashvili, Head of the Analysis, Monitoring, and Evaluation Department at the Agency, who presented the results of an Economic Impact Assessment Report on Enterprise Georgia’s programs.
In addition, Elene Tskhomelidze, senior researcher at ISET Policy Institute, presented the findings of a governmental survey tracking progress indicators, and she discussed future activities planned within the scope of the reform.
The presentations were followed by a public-private dialogue attended by representatives of the implementing state institutions, SME and sectoral associations, and other stakeholders. The parties discussed the progress of the reform, the impact of the policy on economic development in the SME sector, and the expected outcomes. The event concluded with an anonymous, quantitative evaluation of the reform by the various parties involved.