
On June 28, ReforMeter and the USAID Economic Governance Program hosted yet another public-private dialogue dedicated to assessing progress in water resource management reform. The draft law on "Water Resources Management" stipulates the establishment of a river basin management system and the introduction of economic instruments for water consumption. The draft law also considers the expansion of the monitoring network for water resources and presents water pollution prevention measures.
The progress of the reform and its course were discussed by the representatives of the agencies implementing the reform, namely: Mariam Makarova, Head of the Water Division of the Department of Environment and Climate Change of the Ministry of Environment Protection and Agriculture of Georgia, and Giorgi Phantskhava, the leading specialist of the Office of the Environment Protection and Natural Resources Committee of the Parliament of Georgia.
In the second part of the PPD, the ReforMeter team presented to the participants the objective indicators for the assessment of the water resource management reform.
The meeting was attended by the representatives of the agencies involved in the development and implementation of the strategy, the civil and private sector,s and other interested parties. The parties gathered at the meeting discussed the progress of the reform in practice. The event ended with a public-private dialogue and an anonymous, quantitative evaluation of the reform by interested parties.