

May 2024 | Electricity Market Review
24 June 2024

In May 2024, Georgian power plants generated 1,411 mln. kWh of electricity. This represents a 6% increase in the total generation compared to the previous year (in May 2023, the total generation was 1,325 mln. kWh). The rise in generation on a yearly basis comes from an increase in generation of hydropower plant by 7%, while the generation of thermal and wind plants decreased by 100% and 14%, respectively.

On a monthly basis, the generation increased by 30% (in April 2024, the total generation was 1,085 mln. kWh). The monthly rise in total generation is induced by the increase of hydropower generation by 40%, while the generation of thermal and wind power plants decreased by 100% and 18%, respectively.

The consumption of electricity on the local market was 1,050 mln. kWh (+2% compared to May 2023, and +6% compared to April 2024). In May 2024, power generation exceeded consumption by 361 mln. kWh which was 26% of the total generation and 34% of the total consumption (in May 2023, the difference between the total generation and the consumption resulted in a surplus of 295 mln. kWh, around 22% of the total generation and 29% of the total consumption for the month).
