
In June 2022, the National Statistics Office of Georgia issued its annual publication on the agricultural sector – Agriculture of Georgia 2021. The publication estimates that agriculture, forestry, and fishing comprised 7% of the GDP in 2021, which was lower than the 8.3% share in 2020, but in line with the general trend over the last few years (agricultural GDP being 7-8% of GDP on average). Furthermore, compared to 2020, agricultural GDP decreased by 1.4% in real terms in 2021. One explanation might be the so-called “base-year effect”, as 2020 was a good year in terms of harvest that led to increased agricultural production for the year. In 2021, the production from the hay of annual grasses increased by 58%, potatoes by 12%, sunflowers by 11%, and cereals by 6%. Meanwhile, the production of haricot beans, hay of perennial grasses, vegetables, and melons decreased by 19%, 18%, 15%, and 7%, respectively.
The production of all permanent crops, excluding pome fruits and grapes, increased in 2021 compared to the previous year. The greatest increase of 48% was observed in berries, while the production of said pome fruits (apples, pears, quinces) declined by 15%. As for livestock production, both meat and wool rose by 5%, milk increased by 3%, while egg and honey production decreased by 3% and 17%, respectively.
In terms of self-sufficiency ratios, over the last five years there has been a rise observed for wheat, from 15% reaching 22% in 2021. After a declining trend for maize seen during the last year, the crop came back strong at 74%. Moderately high growth can also be seen with grapes and potatoes, by 28 and 23 percentage points, respectively. A slight increase of 8% was found with sheep and goat meat. The self-sufficiency rate for vegetables and pork fell marginally, although the same indicator for meat overall rose slightly. The remaining ratios were almost unchanged.