
According to Geostat’s rapid estimates, real GDP grew by 3.4% in March, while the growth rate for Q1 stood at 2.3% year over year. The estimated first quarter growth was 0.5 percentage points less than ISET-PI’s GDP forecast for the quarter. We have updated our forecast for Q2 based on the new information and lowered it from 5% to 4.2%; at the same time, the Q3 forecast was revised upward to 4.3%.
Different international and domestic financial institutions have slight variations in their forecasts for Georgia’s year-over-year real GDP growth rate in 2016. The ADB and IMF both reduced their forecasts by 0.5%, now predicting 2.5% annual growth. In contrast, EBRD revised its forecast upward to 3.4% (coinciding with the value predicted by the ISET-PI forecast model), while the World Bank annual forecast stood at 3%. The National Bank of Georgia predicted a 3% growth earlier in the year, and ISET-PI (in our “middle-of-the-road” scenario forecast) predicted a 3.4% real GDP increase in 2016.
According to GeoStat’s preliminary estimates in the second quarter of 2024, Georgia’s nominal GDP reached GEL 24,855.7 million, with a year-over-year real GDP growth of 11.0% and a GDP deflator change of 4.3%. The growth was driven by significant increases in value-added across various sectors: Education activities rose by 35.6%, Information and communication rose by 32.8%, Construction by 30.9%, Financial and insurance activities by 22.9%, Public administration and defense, including social security by 14.7% and Wholesale and retail trade, including repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles by 11%. Conversely, there was a decline in value-added in electricity, gas, steam, and air conditioning supply by 13.6% and in Real estate activities by 4.9%.
According to GeoStat’s preliminary estimates in the second quarter of 2024, Georgia’s nominal GDP reached GEL 22,101.7 million, with a year-over-year real GDP growth of 9.6% and a GDP deflator change of 2.5%. The growth was driven by significant increases in value-added across various sectors: Accommodation and food service activities rose by 35.7%, Education by 21.3%, household activities as employers and producers of goods and services for personal use by 17.3%, Transportation and storage by 16.1%, Public administration and defense, including social security, by 13.3%, and Construction by 13%.
According to GeoStat’s preliminary estimates in the first quarter of 2024, Georgia’s nominal GDP reached GEL 18,913.2 million, with a year-over-year real GDP growth of 8.4% and a GDP deflator change of 3.1%. The growth was driven by significant increases in value-added across various sectors: Real estate activities rose by 18.8%, Education by 29.1%, Public administration and defence, including social security, by 13.0%, Construction by 10.3%, Information and communication by 12.2%, and Transportation and storage by 9.7%.
Similar to the year 2022, Georgia stayed on the path of economic recovery from COVID-19 in 2023 as well. According to GeoStat’s preliminary estimates, the real GDP continues to show a relatively high growth rate, measuring at 7.5% y/y in 2023 – which is remarkably higher than the NBG’s real GDP growth expectation of 6% from October 2023.
The global recovery from both the COVID-19 pandemic and Russia's invasion of Ukraine is progressing slowly and unevenly. While there was initial economic resilience earlier in the year, marked by a rebound in reopening and efforts to reduce inflation, it is premature to feel reassured. Economic activity has yet to fully return to pre-pandemic levels, particularly in emerging markets and developing economies, and regional disparities are widening.