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‘Data Looks Better Naked’ – Darkhorse Analytics visits ISET
13 ნოემბერი 2019

On the 13th of November, ISET was visited by Joey Cherdarchuk of Darkhorse Analytics, a Canadian company specializing in data science and information design. The firm is dedicated to helping organizations and individuals present their data in a clear and understandable way; in an often humorous and highly informative workshop, Mr. Cherdarchuk demonstrated how failures in data presentation can be misleading (wilfully or otherwise) and inaccurate.

ISET hosts international workshop on regional economic integration
31 ივლისი 2019

On July 30-31, 2019 the International School of Economics (ISET) at Tbilisi State University hosted the 2-day workshops on economic integration in Asia and Europe sponsored by the CAREC Institute and the Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI), together with the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development of Georgia.

Free Courses for Fourth Year Students
25 მარტი 2019

ISET offers training sessions lasting two hours within four practical workshops on four different topics. The workshops are delivered in English by experienced and professional instructors, all to be held on Saturdays.

ISET-NHH Anti-Corruption Program Continues
21 მარტი 2019

ISET was honored to host a fourth and last delegation representing the long-time partner, Norwegian School of Economics in Bergen (NHH). The four-day program included anti-corruption seminars, public discussions, and site visits to relevant public institutions and businesses.

ISET Hosts Seminar-Wrokshop on Georgian Anomaly in Rural-Urban Transition
29 იანვარი 2019

On January 29, ISET was pleased to host Prof. Michael Beenstock for a seminar workshop. Prof. Beenstock is the author of ten books on topics including time series and spatial econometrics, macroeconomics, the global economy, and economic development, as well as writing more than 100 refereed journal articles.

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