კიელის უნივერსიტეტის აგრარული ეკონომიკის პროფესორი და IAMO-ის მოწვეული მკვლევარი, ულრიხ კოსტერი 30 მაისს ISET-ს ეწვია. ISET-ში გამართულ პრეზენტაციაზე პროფ. კოსტერმა მიმოიხილა სოფლის მეურნეობის სექტორის სპეციფიკა და მისი გავლენა სასოფლო-სამეურნეო ვაჭრობაზე.
On May 27, 2017, German and Swiss students and professionals from The Mercator Fellowship, together with ISET researchers, visited Kakheti for a wine tour.
ISET continues its student policy paper seminar series for the institute's second-year students. This time, Ketevan Bochorishvili, Natia Maisuradze, Nami Surguladze, Orkhan Suleymanli, and Nijat Guliyev presented their joint paper on agricultural development.
On May 23, ISET-PI hosted the launch ceremony of ReforMeter, which was attended by representatives of government institutions, NGOs, and international organizations. Welcoming remarks were made by Shamennna K. Gall, the acting Deputy Economic Growth Offices of the US Embassy, and Bruno Balvanera, the EBRD Director for the Caucasus, Moldova, and Belarus.
ISET second-year students continued their series of policy seminars, this time focusing on the Georgian tourism sector. Shako Gobronidze, Diana Nersisyan, Robizon Razamadze, and Revaz Surguladze presented on the topic of seasonality, which both pose various challenges and grants opportunities for the Georgian tourism sector.