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საქართველოს რეფორმების შეფასების სისტემის მხარდაჭერა - რეფორმეტრი
15 მარტი 2021

2021 წლის მარტში ISET-ის კვლევითმა ინსტიტუტმა USAID-ის ეკონომიკური მმართველობის პროგრამის მხარდაჭერით, რომელსაც დელოიტი ახორციელებს, რეფორმეტრის ახალი ფაზა დაიწყო.

ISET Policy Institute’s team starts RIA training course with USAID
26 ოქტომბერი 2020

Starting from October 26, the ISET Policy Institute team, in cooperation with the USAID Economic Governance Program, started an online training course in Regulatory Impact Assessment (RIA) for public servants. The aim of the training is to provide participants from the selected institutions a clear understanding of the purpose of RIA, its structure and implementation, and how it works within the context of Georgian. The course will also develop and strengthen the participants’ technical skills that are necessary to conduct standard RIAs in accordance with the RIA methodology approved by the Government of Georgia in January 2020. The training is organized around specific RIA steps, included practical group activities every week, and will last for a total of seven weeks.

Capacity Building of Public Servants on RIA Pursued Online
29 ივნისი 2020

The Regulatory Impact Assessment (RIA) has proved to be an effective policy-making tool and has been integrated into policy and legislative processes in an increasing number of countries. Over the last few years, the Government of Georgia has embarked on the process of institutionalizing RIA as an integral part of policy-making.

ISET spearheads RIA training for government & private sector
30 აპრილი 2020

From April to July, ISET will lead an online training program in Regulatory Impact Assessment aimed at equipping the members of participating institutions with the required technical skills and understanding of the procedures associated with carrying out the RIA in accordance with the methodology set out by the government of Georgia in January 2020.

Free Courses for Fourth Year Students
25 მარტი 2019

ISET offers training sessions lasting two hours within four practical workshops on four different topics. The workshops are delivered in English by experienced and professional instructors, all to be held on Saturdays.

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