Hosted and moderated by ISET Policy Institute’s Salome Gelashvili, Acting Head of the Agricultural and Rural Development Policy Research Center, the German Sparkassenstiftung Southern Caucasus and Ukraine (DSIK) have recently developed a presentation looking into their Climate Risk Pattern Analysis in Georgia.
ISET is proud to announce its most recent joint research presentation into our impact assessment on domestic work and its influences on female economic empowerment in Georgia. Supported and funded by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, the Austrian Development Cooperation, and hosted by UN Women, the presentation aimed to highlight women’s labor rights and access to reasonable work.
ნარჩენების დაგროვების მასშტაბი დროთა განმავლობაში იზრდება და ეს სერიოზულ საფრთხეს უქმნის ადამიანის ჯანმრთელობასა და გარემოს. ნარჩენები შეიძლება მრავალი დაავადების სათავე გახდეს, ის გამოყოფს დიდი რაოდენობით მეთანს (სათბურის ეფექტის გამაძლიერებელ აირს) და ხელს უწყობს გლობალურ დათბობას. მსოფლიო ბანკის შეფასებით, გადაუდებელი ჩარევის გარეშე, 2050 წლისთვის გლობალური ნარჩენების ამჟამინდელი დონე 70%-ით გაიზრდება.
We were thrilled to see Salome Gelashvili, head of the ISET-PI Agricultural Policy Research Center (APRC), actively participate in a UNDP Georgia online discussion. During the virtual roundtable (entitled Local Economic Development and Business Friendly Environment for Municipalities), a variety of notable international speakers, particularly utilizing Czech expertise, came together to consider business development, combatting the rural-urban divide, and the effect of COVID-19 on the informal sector.
We are honored and delighted to announce that the BA and MA in economics programs of the International School of Economics at Tbilisi State University (ISET) are now officially accredited by the international quality assurance agency, FIBAA. As a result of this achievement, ISET’s degree programs are presently the only internationally accredited programs in Georgia within the field of economics.