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Education Policy Forum: General Education in Georgia
30 ნოემბერი 2017

On 30 November 2017, the ISET Policy Institute hosted a High-Level Education Action Event which was the third in a series of education policy dialogues focused on general education. This time, the event was held in partnership with UNICEF and the World Bank, as well as with key SDG 4 stakeholders to drive a new push for inclusive and equitable quality education and lifelong learning opportunities for all.

ISET-PI Researcher Attends the Fifth Panel of the Eastern Partnership on Agriculture and Rural Development
05 ოქტომბერი 2017

Between October 4th and 5th, ISET’s Irakli Kochlamazashvili attended the Fifth Panel of the Eastern Partnership on Agriculture and Rural Development, which took place in Yerevan, Armenia.

სამეწარმეო განათლება საქართველოს პროფესიული განათლების სისტემაში
30 სექტემბერი 2016

ეს პროექტი, რომელიც გერმანიის ეკონომიკური თანამშრომლობისა და განვითარების ფედერალური სამინისტოსა და მიუნხენისა და ზემო ბავარიის სავაჭრო-სამრეწველო პალატის მხარდაჭერითა და საქართველოს სავაჭრო-სამრეწველო პალატასთან მჭიდრო თანამშრომლობით განხორციელდა, მიზნად ისახავს ქართულ პროფესიული განათლების დაწესებულებებში სამეწარმეო განათლების გაძლიერებას.

Yasya Babych of ISET Policy Institute Attends ADB Workshop on a Role for Development Partners
19 სექტემბერი 2016

As part of a partnership arrangement under the “Good Jobs for Inclusive Growth” study, Yasya Babych of MPRC was invited to participate in an Interim workshop dubbed “Enabling Conditions for Inclusive Growth and Good Jobs: A Role for Development Partners” held on 15-16 September 2016 in Manila, the Philippines by the Asian Development Bank (ADB).

Knowledge Needs: Georgian Agricultural Education Undergoes Detailed Study
15 სექტემბერი 2016

Georgian agricultural development has received significant attention lately, and it remains one of the most pressing issues facing the country. Yet proper development comes only as a result of comprehensive understanding, and so a study by UNDP Georgia, Swiss Cooperate South Caucasus, and the Ministry of Agriculture, in partnership with ISET and ACT, a research company, entitled 'What are the knowledge needs of Georgian farmers?' was initiated.

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