On Friday, February 13, 2015, a debate on a new law on agricultural land ownership was held at Expo Georgia. The debate was organized by USAID’s G4G project and ISET. The debate’s panel comprised government officials, experts, foreign investors, and businesses, and the event was moderated by Eric Livny, Director of the International School of Economics.
On November 6, Vice President for Europe and Central Asia (ECA) Laura Tuck, Regional Director for the South Caucasus Henry Kerali, Program Leader for the South Caucasus Rashmi Shankar and other representatives of the World Bank Tbilisi Office visited ISET.
On September 22-26, 2014 researchers from the Leibniz Institute of Agricultural Development in Transition Economies (IAMO) in Germany visited ISET in the framework of their research tour to Georgia. Several panel discussions and workshops were conducted with the goal to discuss current challenges of agriculture and rural development in transition countries.
საქართველოში ხანგრძლივი პერიოდის განმავლობაში უმნიშვნელოდ მიჩნეულმა პოლიტიკურმა დისკუსიამ, სოფლის მეურნეობისა და სოფლის განვითარების შესახებ, დღესდღეობით დებატების წინა ფლანგზე წამოიწია. სამართლიანადაც! ეს საკითხები ფრიად კომპლექსურია და მნიშვნელოვან გავლენას ახდენს არამხოლოდ სოფლის მაცხოვრებლებზე, არამედ სასოფლო-სამეურნეო პროდუქციის მომხმარებელ ქალაქელებზეც.
On December 18, 2013, ISET hosted the second event in a series of discussions on the topic of inclusive growth. The topic of the event was Modernization of Vocational Education and Training (VET) and Extension Systems related to agriculture in Georgia.