შეავსე ფორმა
გჯერათ, რომ კლიმატის ცვლილება რეალური საფრთხეა და ის თქვენ გეხებათ?
28 მარტი 2022

დღეს 24 მარტია და წავკისში 5 დღეა ფაქტობრივად გაუჩერებლად ბარდნის. ჩემს ეზოსა და ქუჩაზე თოვლის საფარმა უკვე ერთ მეტრს მიაღწია. თოვლმა მანქანები დათოვლილ ქუჩებზე უიმედოდ ჩახერგა, ჩვენი პატარა სამეზობლო კი გარე სამყაროს მოწყვიტა. აქაურები ამბობენ, რომ ასეთი დიდთოვლობა წავკისში თაობებს არ ახსოვს, მით უფრო მარტში.

Lead ISET Economist to Edit Prestigious Economics Journal
21 ივნისი 2021

Under ISET affiliation Luc Leruth, the Lead Economist in the Policy Institute’s Governance and Social Policy Research Center, has recently been appointed a co-editor of The Open-Access, Open-Assessment Journal Economics. As a new form of the academic journal, the publication incorporates a large research community with an open and innovative peer review process; where critically the research is seen as a cooperative enterprise between authors, editors, referees, and readers.

ISET Policy Institute recognized globally
15 თებერვალი 2021

ISET has again affirmed its position among think tanks on the world stage by having the ISET Policy Institute listed once more on the Global Go To Think Tank Index. It is a proud moment for the ISET community since ISET Policy Institute is ranked in the 2020 Top Domestic Economic Policy Think-Tanks globally and 2020 Best Independent Think-Tanks globally.

ISET community members returning to teach the next generations – entirely pro bono
08 დეკემბერი 2020

The strength of the ISET community is best demonstrated by the solid bonds that exist within the community. The number of ISET community members are returning to help the institute by passing on their skills, knowledge, and experience to the next generations continues to grow.

ISET Visiting Professor and Board Member Daniel Levy becomes President of Israeli Economics Association
23 სექტემბერი 2020

It is always a cause for celebration whenever a member of the ISET community – be they student or faculty – achieves new success, but this month has borne witness to some unprecedented good news. Professor Daniel Levy, who has visited ISET as a visiting professor every year since 2011 and is one of the institute's most loyal friends, has been elected as the 26th President of the Israeli Economics Association.

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