Is it possible to make long-term predictions on how climate change and the economy co-evolve as a means to understand the impact climate change has on the economy? Or for that matter, in what ways governments could encourage technological innovation in order to assure the continuation of economic growth?
დაახლოებით ორი თვის წინ, საქართველოს მთავრობამ იმპორტირებული ხორბლის ავტოტრანსპორტით გადაზიდვის შეზღუდვის გეგმის შესახებ განაცხადა. თუმცა ეს წამოწყება დაინტერესებული მხარეების (მათ შორის: ხორბლის მცირე იმპორტიორების, ტრაილერების მძღოლებისა და წისქვილების, რომლებიც ავტოტრანსპორტით იმპორტირებულ ხორბალს იყენებენ) შეთანხმებული წინააღმდეგობის გამო მალევე შეწყდა.
On October 19, second-year BA student Nikoloz Sepiashvili gave a presentation about the first Ministry of Finance of Georgia. Out of many academically strong students, he was chosen as a researcher by the National Archives of Georgia.
Georgia committed to harmonizing its electricity market legislation with EU Third Energy Package and liberalizing it according to the accession protocol with the Energy Community. These structural changes are expected to contribute to the more efficient functioning of the Georgian electricity market and to support its development.
On October 18, in collaboration with the National Bank of Georgia and the Administration of the Georgian President, the ISET Policy Institute hosted a presentation about the effectiveness of the “School-Bank” project, which continued with a round table discussion about financial literacy in Georgia.