The USAID Economic Governance Program hosted a quarterly coordination meeting focused on Water Resource Management (WRM) reform on November 6th. The event brought together key stakeholders and USAID partners in economic growth and democratic governance to discuss progress and future initiatives.
In the past year or so Georgia has experienced significant declines in economic governance. In addition to the anti-democratic Law on Transparency of Foreign Influence (known as the Agents Law), several laws and legal amendments initiated by the ruling party and the Parliamentary majority have drawn significant attention from stakeholders, experts, and the general public.
ReforMeter and the USAID Economic Governance Program hosted yet another public-private dialogue dedicated to assessing progress in regulatory impact assessment (RIA) institutionalization reform.
Under the project "Develop Advocacy Capacity of CSOs and PSAs," which is funded by the USAID Economic Governance Program, ISET Policy Institute continues its mentorship activities. The aim of this project is to enhance the capabilities of CSOs and PSAs in various areas such as policy-making, advocacy, research, and outreach so that they can actively participate in the policy decision-making process and contribute to local community development, policy design, and implementation.