Right or Left: What Are Political Parties’ Economic Visions?
26 October 2020

Last week Georgians took part in largely proportional parliamentary elections. Dozens of parties were registered as election contestants. To what extent do their visions coincide with yours in different important areas of public policy? You can get a detailed answer to these questions on the digital platform "Election Compass Georgia".

Conducting sector and value chain analytics
12 October 2020

In partnership with PMC Research, ISET Policy Institute is working on the project “Sector and Value Chain Analytics” under the USAID Economic Security Program, implemented by DAI. Using quantitative and qualitative analytical methods, the project team analyzes economic tendencies in the local and also regional/global context, competitiveness of local businesses, opportunities, and challenges in various targeted value chains.

Election compass
13 July 2020

In order to equip citizens with knowledge and information on political parties' programs and help voters explore which political party is closest to their views, the ISET Policy Institute participated in designing and implementing Election Compass Georgia, a collaborative effort of Georgian institutions and countries' development partner organizations.

Research on youth entrepreneurship stimulation in Georgia: understanding the barriers and recommending reform interventions
29 June 2020

Identifying barriers to youth entrepreneurship in Georgia studying the Georgian entrepreneurship ecosystem. The study aims to identify the barriers youth entrepreneurship in Georgia faces and proposes interventions, which could be led by relevant actors within the ecosystem, to overcome the challenges.

Survey on the impact of COVID-19 in the ICT sector
08 June 2020

While COVID-19 pandemic had a negative impact on the current investment expenditure of Georgian ICT companies, investment and hiring is set to increase in the future for most firms in this sector.
