Developing a water policy outlook for Georgia: country assessment
25 March 2020

Assessment of the water policy needs and challenges to strengthen a long-term vision of the water policy framework of Georgia. Many countries of the Eurasia region have shown commitment to implement the principles of the EU Water Framework Directive and IWRM, and they tend to reform their water institutions and policies and develop river basin management plans in approximation with these principles.

Development of indirect impact assessment methodology and multipliers
10 February 2020

The aim of the project was the development of multipliers to assess the indirect impact on job creation, investment, and enhanced revenues on the Georgian economy.

Consulting the team working on spatial development pan of Telavi
16 March 2018

Consultants from ISET Policy Institute will assist the team from Research Education Development (RED) Fund working on spatial development plan of Telavi, in socio-economic analysis.

Sabina and Rahul, Welcome to Georgia!
27 May 2017

The number of foreign students has been steadily increasing around the world. More and more students choose to earn a degree outside of their home countries. Education internalization plays a key role in the development of today’s educational systems, and the impact of international students goes beyond their short-term financial effect on the economy; it plays a vital role in social cohesion and the development of international networks, etc.

Brief Migration Profile: Foreign Students in Georgia
30 December 2016

In December 2015 the State Commission on Migration Issues (SCMI) adopted a Medium Migration Profile (MMP). The MMP was elaborated with the active participation of all its member state agencies and the support of a project funded.
