This policy brief examines the role of business confidence as a predictor of economic development. It focuses on the impact of recent political instability and economic uncertainty, drawing insights from both Georgian data and international experience.

The relationship between social assistance programs and electoral outcomes has gathered significant attention in both academic and policy circles, especially in the last decade. Social assistance programs, designed to support vulnerable populations, often carry political implications, particularly in developing democracies where incumbent governments may leverage these programs to secure voter loyalty.

The project, Development of Methodology for Child-Rights-Based Budget Analysis, funded by UNICEF, aims to create a systematic approach for analyzing public budgets in Georgia through the lens of child rights. Its objective is to ensure that public financial decisions prioritize children’s needs, promote equity, and align with international standards such as the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.

This joint initiative by ISET Policy Institute and Policy and Management Consulting Group, supported by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the European Union (EU), aims to boost Georgian SMEs' exports to European markets.

The project, Cost-Benefit Analysis of Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation Options in Selected Sectors in Georgia, supports the World Bank’s Country Climate and Development Report (CCDR) by providing an in-depth analysis of the agriculture and tourism sectors.