Pilot Cost-Benefit Analysis for Alliances Project
04 August 2014

Cost-Benefit Analysis (CBA) is an economic tool for the comparison of costs and benefits associated with various alternatives. This tool is used to systematically estimate the strengths and weaknesses of different options of investing capital. It is a technique that is used to determine options that provide the best outcomes in terms of benefits in labor, time and cost savings etc.

Inclusive Growth Dialogue: The Role of the Tourism Sector in Promoting Inclusive Growth in Georgia
17 July 2014

The purpose of this event was to have a discussion about the potential of the tourism sector to improve well-being and reduce poverty in rural areas of Georgia, as well to discuss the contribution the development of large hotels in peripheral touristic destinations can make to inclusive growth in local communities. The follow up activity of this dialogue was an excursion to the Kazbegi Municipality on July 19.

Population Situation Analysis in Georgia
10 July 2014

The main purpose of the consultancy was to contribute to the elaboration of the Population Situation Analysis (PSA) section on Socio-Economic Context in Georgia. The Government of Georgia (GOG) and the Prime Minister have announced addressing demographic challenges as a top priority of the country. UNFPA was asked to support undertaking the Population Situation Analysis (PSA) in Georgia, in order to generate evidence regarding demographic situation that would be further used for elaboration of the Demographic Strategic Plan for Georgia.

Towards a Globalized Peasant Agriculture
16 May 2014

In my essay on economic development (“What worked”, MESSENGER, July 3/2013) I cited the High-Level Panel of Eminent Persons on “A New Global Partnership” (UN Publications, 2013) that aims at eradicating absolute poverty and transforming national economies through sustainable development. Thus, in the chapter on “goals and global impact,” the Panel stresses that poverty must be reduced while mitigating global climate change and promoting a “low-carbon trajectory”.

Cooperation for Rural Prosperity in Georgia
30 January 2014

This project aims to support the development of business-oriented small farmer groups (e.g., agricultural cooperatives) with the goals of increasing agricultural productivity and reducing rural poverty in Georgia.
