For the fourth quarter of 2024, business confidence in Georgia decreased (by 9.7 index points) and reached 3.8. The highest decrease in business confidence is observed in the finance (-22.1) sector. The negative change in BCI for Q4 2024 was driven by decreased past performance as well as less optimistic expectations.

Geostat has published its preliminary estimate of real GDP growth for July 2024, which stands at 13%. In addition, the estimated growth for the first and second quarters of 2024 reached 8.4% and 9.6%, respectively. Consequently, the average real GDP growth from January to August 2024 reached 10%.

A slowed rebound. The CCI fluctuated over the summer, reaching its highest value for the period in August before a decline in September. After the Index had recovered in June, the CCI experienced a slight downturn in July, from -16.7 index points to -18.5, reaching -15.4 points in August and falling to -19.5 in September.

The National Statistics Office of Georgia (GeoStat) has published its second quarterly bulletin for 2024. The publication highlights that the real GDP in agriculture, forestry, and fishing increased by 0.7% compared to the first quarter of 2023. Furthermore, agriculture contributed to 5.3% of the country’s total GDP during the first quarter of 2024.

According to GeoStat’s preliminary estimates in the second quarter of 2024, Georgia’s nominal GDP reached GEL 22,101.7 million, with a year-over-year real GDP growth of 9.6% and a GDP deflator change of 2.5%. The growth was driven by significant increases in value-added across various sectors: Accommodation and food service activities rose by 35.7%, Education by 21.3%, household activities as employers and producers of goods and services for personal use by 17.3%, Transportation and storage by 16.1%, Public administration and defense, including social security, by 13.3%, and Construction by 13%.