ISET's agriculture team presents RIA results to stakeholders
13 November 2019

On November 13, the Agricultural Policy Research Center at ISET-PI presented the main results of the Regulatory Impact Assessment (RIA) of the draft law of Georgia on soil protection at a stakeholder workshop held at the conference hall of the Environmental Education and Information Center (EEIC) of the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture of Georgia (MEPA).

Georgian Energy Security: Reflecting on the September Power Market Data
08 November 2019

After facing a generation deficit during the month of August, Georgia continued to experience a decrease in power generation. In September 2019, generation decreased by 3% compared to September 2018 and by 19% compared to August 2019.

Advocacy, Media & Communication Strategic Framework and Toolkit to Prevent Gender-biased Sex Selection (GBSS) in Georgia
07 November 2019

Gender-biased sex selection (GBSS) in favor of boys is an indicator of gender discrimination and highlights the inequality towards girls throughout many countries. Patriarchal structures reinforce a preference for sons and perpetuate a societal climate of violence and discrimination against women and girls. GBSS is moreover a symptom of the pervasive social, political, cultural, and economic injustices against women and girls.

Training on macroeconomic forecasting and economic monitoring for policy purposes in Georgia
04 November 2019

The ISET-PI team provided training in macroeconomic forecasting and tools for independent policy research to the staff of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade (MoEDT) of Tajikistan.

Sweden supports the ISET Policy Institute as independent economics think-tank
30 October 2019

ISET Policy Institute receives 12 600 000 SEK from Sweden for promoting Georgia’s development through independent policy analysis, training, and civil society engagement. The agreement was signed today by Mr. Erik Illes, Head of Development Cooperation of the Embassy of Sweden, and President of Partnership for Economics Education and Research (PEER), Director of ISET Policy Institute Dr. Tamar Sulukhia.
