Minimum Wage Reform in Georgia
01 June 2022

The study was to determine an optimal minimum wage for workers in Georgia, and resulted in a recommended range of 250-350GEL per month, albeit referencing numerous factors that need to be considered.

Kutaisi International University hosts ISET Policy Institute
18 May 2022

On 18 March, representatives from the ISET Policy Institute visited Kutaisi International University to introduce ISET Policy Institute’s core activities, products, and ongoing projects to students and university staff.

Public-private dialogue on water resource management reform
20 April 2022

Upon adoption, the Draft Law on Water Resource Management will replace the current Water Law (which is in force since 1997) and will become the new framework document for water resource management. The Draft Law introduces a river basin management system and establishes economic instruments of water use.

Public-private dialogue on e-commerce reform
04 April 2022

The reform aims to facilitate E-commerce in Georgia by developing a legal and regulatory framework and the necessary technical infrastructure. It consists of many different aspects, incorporating the activities of implementing government agencies, other public sector stakeholders, and the private sector.

ReforMeter holds public-private dialogue on ecommerce reform
17 February 2022

On 17 February, ReforMeter hosted its first public-private dialogue on E-commerce reform. The event highlighted the core issues, challenges, and recommendations behind the creation of a Georgian E-commerce policy.
