Why Is Georgia Educating Future Unemployed?
19 February 2018

Like most other former socialist countries, Georgia enjoys a very high literacy level, as measured e.g. by the share of people completing secondary education. And yet, the single most problematic factor for doing business in Georgia, at least since 2013, is the “inadequately educated workforce”. Not crime. Not corruption. Not access to finance. Not faulty infrastructure. Inadequately educated workforce.

Executive Director
06 February 2018

ISET Policy Institute (ISET-PI) was established in May 2011 to complement the educational mission of the International School of Economics at Tbilisi State University (ISET). ISET delivers undergraduate and graduate economics education, and is recognized by the World Bank as one of five "centers of excellence" in economics education and research in Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union.

ISET Hosts Workshop named “Business Case-Based Teaching”
12 January 2018

“I very much liked the business case-based teaching method. Business cases will be very useful for vocational college students, as real-life examples are much better in inspiring them to start their own business.” As business cases are based on real-life examples from Georgia, using them in entrepreneurship classes will make them much more amusing for students to attend.”

Fulbright Scholar Returns to ISET
18 December 2017

ISET’s Pati Mamardashvili, the head of the Agricultural Policy Research Center, has been awarded the prestigious Fulbright Scholarship to conduct research in the USA. The Fulbright Program is the U.S. government’s flagship international educational exchange program, contributing to finding solutions to shared concerns. The main criteria for the selection in the program are academic merit and leadership potential.

ISET Signs Memorandum of Cooperation with Mgaloblishvili Kipiani Dzidziguri Law Firm
05 December 2017

On December 5, 2017, a Memorandum of Cooperation was signed between the International School of Economics at Tbilisi State University (ISET) and Mgaloblishvili Kipiani Dzidziguri (MKD). This cooperation comprises implementing educational programs, organizing workshops, lectures, and other similar events as well as promoting students’ internships and employment prospects.
